About Us

Lower Light Church  
                   302 E. Elm St. | Petersburg, MI 49270
Pastor, Rev. David Voss
Meet our Associate Pastor . . . 
A 1962 graduate of God’s Bible College, I have been married since 1961, and blessed with two lovely daughters, six grand-daughters, and four great-grandchildren.

While I enjoyed a thirty-three year career with Ford Motor Co., I also served in a pastorate for twenty eight years, and was involved in Christian Education for forty years, the last twenty of those being in an Administrative role.

I left the pastorate in 1998, and was elected as General Superintendent of the Lower Light Mission Association, and In 2007 I assumed the editorship of the conference periodical, The Lower Light Evangelist, which positions I currently hold within the Association. 

In 2011, due to the failing health of Rev. W. O. Kneal, I was asked to accept the position of Associate Pastor of the Petersburg church. I thoroughly enjoy “ Kingdom Work."

My counsel to those desiring to work in the Kingdom, could be summed up in the words of Mary, the mother of Jesus, to His unlearned and untrained disciples, “Whatever He says to you, do it”, and the advice of King Solomon, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might” (Ec 9:10).

Dave Linville - Associate Pastor